1.And then he had to convince her to go back with him to a country she'd never been to and marry a complete stranger.
2.Well then head over to your bank right now and donate that amount of money into a complete stranger's bank account.
3.He said it was like dealing with "a complete stranger" .
4.It was an odd way to greet a complete stranger who had invaded her home, but it was all she could think of to say.
5.Since he was a complete stranger in the town, there was no one to speak up formic when he was brought into court.
6.His problem was that he already had a girlfriend, and she was not pleased to hear that he had married a complete stranger.
7.In an emergency, lacking pen or notebook, they might even approach a complete stranger to ask for assistance.
8.Asked why he had beaten up a complete stranger, the young man replied he had done it just for the hell of it.
9.What's more, she was completely at ease with revealing herself to me, a complete stranger.
10.It's probably fair to say that most Indian women have their first sexual experience with a complete stranger.